What is The Difference Between Dry Scalp and Dandruff?
Even in Florida, it is possible to get dandruff or dry scalp. It can be easy to confuse the two, as they both have the same symptoms. People with dry, flaky scalp may immediately assume they have dandruff. However, what is the difference between dry scalp and dandruff? This is an often-debated question among our […]
The Peter Coppola Smoothing Treatment Is the Best Keratin Treatment
“Keratin” has been a common buzzword over the past few years, and has come up in products and blogs. At Vinaccia Hair Goddess, we are often asked how about the best ways that you can maintain color-treated hair and keep it long and healthy. For those who deal with dry and frizzy hair from hair […]
Combat Dry Scalp With Davines Purifying Shampoo and Mask For Dry Scalp and Dandruff
Florida is a place of extremes: extreme heat, extreme humidity, and extremely harsh water. Many visitors and tourists from neighboring states have found that Florida’s water is especially harsh. That water in particular can wreak havoc on your hair and skin. Problems like dry skin, brittle hair and scalp can arise. Fortunately, there are easy […]
Advice on hair treatments | The Benefits of Olaplex Shampoo and Treatment Products
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Advice on hair treatments from Vinaccia Hair There are dozens of haircare brands on the market, and it can be easy to be overwhelmed by options. This is why it’s good to trust your hairdresser or stylist for their recommendations. You might have heard about Olaplex and were curious as to what it’s like. […]